Friday, April 25, 2008

Off to See the Wizard

I have no clue why that movie came to mind. Well, maybe it's because I just saw my Dr. for my 6 weeks post-op follow up visit. Say that six times fast.

Everything went well - weight loss, blood work, blood pressure and so on. He seemed very happy with everything. Now that I am at 6 weeks post-op, my diet changed once again. I am so happy....

Dr. F said (read with a thick Argentinian accent) "Now you can eat anything you want. Except 3 things."

When I told my husband this part he starts quoting Monty Python's Holy Grail...
Three shall be the number thou shalt count, and the number of the counting shall be three. Four shalt thou not count, neither count thou two, excepting that thou then proceed to three. Five is right out.

Which made me laugh right out loud...

So, back to the three things I cannot sugar, no fried foods and I kid you not, no leftovers.

Go figure.

And I want to know, just do I get away with that? And who doesn't love chili or spaghetti more on the second day?

So, I am happy my food choice horizon has just opened up by like a million miles.

The other thing that made me think of the Wizard of Oz was following the yellow brick road. Or, one step at a time towards health.

Truly, if I stopped losing weight this very day and stayed here, I would not be happy number wise, but the surgery will have been a big success.

Just a few milestones:
You know I no longer take any blood pressure or blood sugar meds. But did you know?

I now walk about 3 miles a day without stopping. I started out with a half mile, stopping every once in a while. And have worked up to 3.
I can now sit (fit) in the chairs at Minute Maid Park and watch the Astros. (Ali, I saw you once asked what Minute Maid was and it's the stadium where the Houston Astros baseball team plays)
I can tie my shoes without becoming short of breath.
I can dress, shower, get out of the car, cook, talk without becoming short of breath.
I can get in the car without having to move the seat back and the steering wheel up.
I no longer have to go into the handicapped bathroom stall. TMI? Sorry. Major accomplishment.
I no longer know what size I wear. I was in a 26/28 and I only know that even a 22 is way too large.
I've reached my second small goal of weighing 250. Next goal, having lost 100 pounds.

These all may seem insignificant or small to you, but they are each one more step in the path of my transmigration.

Thursday, April 10, 2008

1 Month Post-Op

Last night when the family took our walk to the park I told my daughter I wanted her to take pictures of me for my blog. She asked why and I told her tomorrow (today) is my 1 month anniversary of my surgery. Really, my husband asked. Really.

He thinks it's been much longer than that. It does feel like it at times.

So, here are my 1 month pictures (once again I apologize for the quality. These were taken by a camera phone. At 6 am. By a daughter who had emails to read.):

Still wearing black, but I did mix in some white.

Just a side shot so you can see the belly is starting to go...

Sorry, this was my momma face.

That's better...NOT.

Just so you know...I reached my 50 pound goal. As of today, March 10th I've lost...

53 pounds!!!

That is all. Thank you.

Monday, April 7, 2008

Morning Drive...Fat Not So Fat Lady Style

A couple of things hit me on the way in to work this morning...

1. I was seriously craving a glazed Shipley's Donut. My first real craving since the surgery. For those of you who don't have a Shipley's Donuts in your area, I am so sad for you. NOTHING - hear me you Krispy Kreme freaks - NOTHING compares. They are they best donut in the world. Hands down. And this morning I could taste the sugary-fried-melt-in-your-mouth-breaded-goodness in my mouth. Then I thought of the damage that one little taste of glazed euphoria could do to me and the drool dried right up. Sigh.

2. I still hear my mom's voice tearing me down. Damnit. I was putting on my make-up when I remembered something she used to say whenever she saw a large woman dress up or put on make-up "That's like trying to make a silk purse from a sow's ear." or this one: "You might as well lipstick up the cow." Here I was 14, obese and hearing this and other little snarky comments all the time. No wonder. I thought the tapes had all been erased, re-taped and singing new songs in my ears. The past will sneak back in unexpectedly won't it?

3. I passed my 50 pound mark! One small goal reached and I feel great about it. Next stop 100! Each pound is another step towards health! That said, I sat down in the driver's seat yesterday and didn't have to raise the steering wheel or move the seat back as far. That was a cool feeling.

Well, that was my morning drive in. No Starbuck's. Just Dana....

Thursday, April 3, 2008

First Post-Op Dr. Visit

Wednesday was the first time I saw my surgeon since the day he told me I was going home. I was a bit nervous, excited and rather anxious - yes the day he told me I was going home...but I mean this day - to see how I was doing in their eyes.

Of course my scales and their scales differ. I normally weigh in the morning in a nightgown and they weighed me in the afternoon in jeans. So their scales said I was a little heavier than my scale at home. BUT there is only about a 5 pound difference and I am just fine with that.

Incisions look to be healing just fine. Both the largest incision (about 2 inches) and just to the right of it tend to hurt especially towards the end of the day. He said most of the operation is performed via this incision and there are quite a few stitches in the area that burn. Give it time he said.

The only bad part of the visit was that I walked in with about 5 questions in mind to ask but I walked out with none of them answered. Not because they aren't forthcoming with answers, but because I stinking forgot to ask. Even wrote the questions down. If I only had a brain.

Most of the questions came from having read so many blogs and articles, both before and after surgery, regarding Gastric Bypass and all things related. I've read and learned so much and feel more and more that my Dr.'s office isn't as informative as others. Unless you ask. However, with some of the subjects exactly how would you know to ask.

And while those blogs/articles/websites give me many answers, they also filled my mind with what does my doctor want/expect/require in regards to _____?

That said, I still think my Dr. is awesome. He is a skilled surgeon with many successes, zero mortalities and is highly esteemed in the surgical field. Not to mention he is friendly, he does not speak to you in a condescending manner, he jokes, he tells it like it is. So, while I could stand a little more information being shared, I wouldn't trade him in simply because I am the type of person who, no matter how much my doctor or his nurses tell me, I am going to do my own research on the matter.

Why am I writing this? Because if you are considering this surgery (or any kind for that matter) you have to know 1. exactly what you are getting into & 2. what you are looking for in a doctor & 3. what you are willing to do without in a doctor - because you know you will not get a perfect Doctor - like the perfect human, they don't exist.

I am almost to my 1 month post surgery date. I will post updated pictures then.

I'm also VERY close to my first 'small goal' of 50 pounds. WOO HOO!!!! I won't post pictures then....but I may post something.

Lastly I want to say, thank you everyone for your encouragement, love and support!